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How AI is helping HR

Artificial intelligence is being used by human resource departments to assist in understanding how employees feel about their work, The Wall Street Journal reports. AI does a better job than humans at gauging worker emotion and satisfaction through the language used in surveys, according to the research. At First Horizon National, a bank in Memphis, a team of six human resource personnel would work for three months to understand the bank's 3,500 employee surveys.

Managers would then spend another five months adjusting policy in accordance with the data. AI gave the company almost instant results.

Read 2555 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 08:52

Working from last 18 years into consumer and enterprise mobility, Pradeep heads large scale mobility programs in various organizations covering platforms, solutions, governance, standardization and best practices. He has extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups streamline their business performance through data-driven innovation.

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