
Our TSET model comprises of resources form the best of our engineers trained to Think, Transform and Innovate Next-gen solutions in Web (PHP, .NET, JAVA, QA) and Mobility (iOS, ANDROID, WIN) domain.

TrustShore means Trustworthy Off-shoring or Outsourcing of your IT services to TSET – TrustShore Engineering Team.

Our TSET model comprises of resources form the best of our engineers trained to Think, Transform and Innovate Next-gen solutions in Web (PHP, .NET, JAVA, QA) and Mobility (iOS, ANDROID, WIN) domain.

Few of the many benefits of our TSET model on TrustShore basis are as under:

  • Academically qualified from the top ranking engineering colleges or institutions
  • 4+ years of work experience at Ciphercraft
  • 6+ years of minimum experience
  • 50+ medium to enterprise business projects
  • 1000+ hours of experience in one vertical
  • Able to lead, delegate and execute deliverables from a team of developers
  • Experts in juggling priorities and obey Agile Project Management Methodologies

Let’s talk if you wish to use TSET model to TrustShore your web and mobile needs.